Jun 22, 2021Liked by Edward Snowden

Richard Stallman is a good example of someone who has no filter in their writing/speech. Unfortunately, he got "cancelled" by people who take everything at face value. I hope in the future we all can speak our minds without people trying to bully us into silence.

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How did we get here? I thought that was our God given right being a US Citizen... right?

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God given? Given from European colonialists after a massive genocide forming a federation to get rid of the old powers.

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People bullied me into silence. It's still happening.

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Tell me about it. The IRS is auditing me because I tried to take the child and college tax credits. They are delaying looking at the documents I've sent them until April of next year. I always heard that the government used the IRS as a bullying tactic, I just never thought it would happen to me.

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That's a long story. In short, I've been bullied cuz I don't drive & a homeless single woman with no kids & now jobless because their bullying overruled my side of the story. It's called being BlackListed or a person on a List of people discriminated for housing, jobs, etc. Eddie writes about trying to get on an airplane Imagine trying to get a ride in a car. I've heard my situation referred to like a black man trying out to play football but discriminated cuz he's black.

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You're not alone. Keep Fighting. We can make this world a better place. You can spend your life sucking up to the rich and powerful, or you can be free.

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True. Freedom to me means I have more than Enough resources to help me be free from abusive & oppressive people. To have transportation, safe housing, a career or more than Enough money to retire early.

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Jun 22, 2021Liked by Edward Snowden

Yesyes!!!!! Please sir, can I have some more? ; )>< 3

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Jun 23, 2021Liked by Edward Snowden

Ah the chilling effect that surrounds us.

🙈︎‍🙉︎‍🙊︎ The Facebook user forever aware of the censor that reads his every word before he even publishes. The automated being known as "Beelzebub".

🙈︎‍🙉︎‍🙊︎ All of those who dared not mention that SARS-CoV-2 might have come from a lab.

🙈︎‍🙉︎‍🙊︎ Those who manacle their mind to the official policy of "their party".

🙈︎‍🙉︎‍🙊︎ Those who don't speak what needs to be said for fear of upsetting somebody's equilibrium.

Who has not felt the urge to self-censor.

You can fight back. Bear that in mind.

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Jun 24, 2021Liked by Edward Snowden

This piece hits home for me. I was born and raised in a once communist country before moving to the United States. I was enjoying my freedom in my adopted country and was not really thinking much about politics. I could no longer escape political discussions once Adam Schiff called for censorship in certain medical matters in the beginning of 2019. I became vocal against it - very much so for a year. But then I read your book and I started seeing things in a different light as I finally understood the obvious - every written word online becomes permanent record. I started self censoring which reached the point that I got off FB, Insta and WhatsApp completely, and only re-tweet on Twitter. I am no longer the outspoken "warrior" as I thought myself as but rather a concerned parent who is worried that her permanent record will be held against her child one day by the Ministry of Truth.

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Jun 22, 2021Liked by Edward Snowden

Damn you Mr. Snowden, damn you!!! Hitting the nail on the head. I really enjoy this conversation. I tend to only have it with myself.

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Jun 22, 2021Liked by Edward Snowden

Sir, Such dignity and eloquence in the face of adversity. A true Hero. Thank you for your works.

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Jun 22, 2021Liked by Edward Snowden

Keep writing!

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Thank you. In our beloved country we are ruled by - kleptocracy. Worth remembering:

Unusual Stock Trading by Whales in US Congress: https://unusualwhales.com/i_am_the_senate/congress

Unusual Stock Trading by Whales in US Senate:


For example:

- Pelosi in Dec 22, 2020 was against more stimulus.

- Her husband buys deep ITM TSLA and AAPL calls that day.

- A day later, December 23rd, she is suddenly for stimulus again, with those same companies rallying 5%,

-- giving Pelosi an instant +30 return.

The censored "wisdom" — depicted as unquestionable fact throughout corporate media — is that we should be angry only at the tax system, but not necessarily at the oligarchs getting rich off it.

In fact, the only person so far presumed to be worthy of any law enforcement scrutiny is not any of the billionaires avoiding taxes, but the whistleblowing source of the IRS leak

Why Are Billionaires Presumed Innocent?

After an IRS leak, corporate media says there’s nothing to see here because billionaire tax avoidance must be legal — even though it occurred during a crime spree.


Why Are Billionaires Presumed Innocent? (dailyposter.com)

June 22, 2021 David Sirota

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The IRS is a censorship-promoting edifice, as it is weaponized against political opponents of the powerful. We shouldn’t help them do it by using the information they harvest to attack private citizens, regardless of their level of wealth.

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Jun 22, 2021Liked by Edward Snowden

As always, well done Ed!

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Jun 23, 2021Liked by Edward Snowden

Great article. A few comments:

1) I don’t quite see how the Liar’s Paradox is supposed to relate to the issue of self-censorship. As I understand it, The Liar’s Paradox involves sentences which cannot be either true or false without entailing a contradiction. (“This sentence is false”, if true, is false, and if false, it is true.) Self-censorship, on the other hand, involves refraining from publicly uttering one’s beliefs due to fear of possible negative social/political/economic/ consequences. But what does the former have to do with the latter? What is logically paradoxical about failing to publicly air one’s views?

(It could, perhaps, be argued that there’s a second, “intra-personal” form of self-censorship, whereby one’s subconscious prevents the conscious mind from *even thinking* certain thoughts. Moreover, one could frame this form of self-censorship in a seemingly logically paradoxical fashion: “*You* are stopping yourself from thinking thoughts that *you* are already thinking!” But, for one thing, this form of self-censorship – assuming that it even exists – isn’t *actually* self-contradictory: once the distinction between the subconscious and conscious mind is made, the apparent “paradox” dissolves. (Your subconscious mind “thinks” the thought, but your conscious mind does not.) And secondly, it’s very clear from the article that this kind of subconscious censorship isn’t the one that Ed has in mind.)

2) I don’t quite understand how the De La Boetie quote relates to the issue of self-censorship, or why “citizens in closed or closing societies” are particularly suited to understand it. Indeed, the claim that the State is an abstraction which depends on citizens to execute its will would also seem to be true of open societies.

3) This article feels a *little* bit like a long-winded way of saying the following: mass surveillance (on the internet) leads to self-censorship (at least, on the internet). I agree that this is true. But it would be nice to have some supporting evidence for this claim (e.g., polling data among internet users about how often they tend to self-censor?), as well as some engagement with the argument that the Zuckerbergs and Dorseys of this world would likely make: namely, that at least in certain cases, companies whose business models depend on mass surveillance actually allow for forms of self-expression (rather than self-censorship) that otherwise couldn’t exist. That is, rather than “self-censoring”, what (e.g.) Facebook and Instagram really allow you to do is to develop your personality, and “become (part of) who you really are”. (Personally, I think this argument is total crap. But it is the argument that I would expect Zuckerberg & co. would make, and should probably be engaged with!)

Anyway, sorry for the long-ish comment. I’m looking forward to future articles!

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Censorship is the FASCISTS toolbox...step 1 Mandate politically correct speach step 2 Use black shirts, brown shirts or black masks to strong arm the Authoritarin speeech step 3 Require compliance in re-education training. This is all around you in USA today for anyone not so joke dope to WAKE the REAL UP!

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How can we help the self-censored break free?

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The online mobs that expressed anti-Muslim sentiment in Myanmar weren't concerned about censorship. That last line, though, "the degradation of the soul as a source of profit" — have you seen or read the series Liar Game? I can't recommend an online source as they changed the music in a key scene, probably because of licenses.

Picture an adult female helping a young person recover a coin that had fallen into a grate or drain, using a stick. "Pure to a dangerous degree." — 危ういほど無垢だった。 What can someone with a pure soul accomplish? Is it more than a typical person?

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Being censored is a very popular word today. What's the definition of the word censorship? Even though this country originally belonged to the Native Americans. White people dominate. I'm white but not white enough to have any existence in America at all. White Supremecy is very strong in America. Cancel Culture & violence dominates over kindness & inclusion. Leaving the country or hoping for help from another country or space is our only hope.

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Everywhere a puzzling and completely irrational DNC/media/security state propaganda.

BUT -- there is a VERY rational reason for that.

We are dealing with BIG Lie(s)

ANY, even rudimentary, discussion would unravel the lie(s) -- total censorship and prompt defamations are the ONLY choice for the immensely corrupt Deep State cabal.

PS: A sad thing is that GOP lunatics are equally repulsive and dangerous -- happily grunting together while feeding at same donor troughs.

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